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Image by Olivier Guillard

True discipline is having a mind that believes in your ability.

– Marina, Mirumir


Hi, I'm Marina and Mirumir is the name of my business. I am a multi-disciplinary artist, designer and educator from Russia, who is passionate about "communicating messages straight to the heart". I have traveled the World extensively and take the task of bridging cultural and societal gaps personally and do so via offering playfulness and group cohesion workshops, dance and musical performances and providing design services to artistic and healing-oriented projects.




Why a clown nose.

I grew up in post-Soviet Russia and went through the first 28 years of my life fulfilling everything I was told I should be, which involved a lot of looking good and making money. It also involved feeling depressed and lonely. In 2016 I left a career in teaching and a Master's in graphic design and went looking for cities where strangers look each other in the eyes and wild sceneries where I could be alone with my self.


My journey took a sharp turn in France when chance and magic lead me to my first clown workshop. The way clown was described to me, was as a "being with no skin". Meaning that when we are in the clown-state, we do not have the invisible walls of protection that all of us build between ourselves and the outside world. That way, anything that happens to us has the ability to touch us deeply, stir things up and let them rise to the surface for everyone to see.


Clowning was my first experience of being seen without any filters or masks and experiencing the world from moment to moment as if it was new. Since then uninhibited self-expression has become my passion which I strive to explore and embody in my life and work.




Mir is a wonderful Russian word that means two things at a time: World and Peace.
So when you say Mirumir, it translates to Peace to the World.

I hope that it is peaceful where you are.

Image by Olivier Guillard

"[Marina's workshop] altered the way I connect to my own body and how I approach others."

I participated in Marina’s "Like Nobody's Watching" workshop about 1.5 month ago and I have been able to practice most of the things that Marina pointed out to us participants. The workshop itself was very useful for me especially looking back. It altered the way I connect to my own body and how I approach others. I liked how Marina was very relaxed and knowledgeable in her approach, oftentimes referring the sensations we were experiencing back to scientific research or historic knowledge. The exercises were fun, uplifting, intense, awkward, potentially vulnerable or body sensation triggering.  

I can really recommend this workshop to anyone, especially to very heady people, who want to connect better to their body and the subtle sensations and messages it sends us.


Tim Clorius

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